Sanvello (formerly known as Pacifica) is an app that helps you improve many aspects of your health related to stress, sleep, anxiety, diet, exercise, etc. The app basically helps you keep a detailed journal of all these elements that, in one way or another, help you live a better life.
Sanvello includes a wide variety of useful features. For example, the first one is a tool for keeping track of your mood. With this feature, you can see how your mood improves or worsens throughout time, and explore the reasons for these changes.
Another interesting feature in Sanvello is the relaxation tool. You'll find simple exercises to help you inhale and exhale to a specific rhythm and even complete positive visualization exercises. Each one is accompanied by relaxing sounds that you get to configure however you want.
In addition to all that, Sanvello gives you the possibility to keep a list of some activities that, while seemingly unimportant for your well-being, actually really are. How much coffee you drink everyday, hours of sleep, alcohol consumption, social relationships ... it all counts, and Pacifica helps you keep track.
Sanvello is an excellent app for anyone who wants to brighten up their mindset and improve their heath. Some of the features may seem a little silly at first, but most of them are pretty useful.